Products & Services

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Deduster With Metal Detector

Tablet Deduster - A machine that removes dust from newly pressed tablets by vibration and air pressure.

·         Trays -        4 Layers  

·         Tray Dimension - 12 inches

·         Speed Control         -  Variable with Regulator

·         Adjustment - Simple Orientation and Height Adjustment

·         IP rating - IP 66 Protection (Moisture + Hazard + Dust + Water Resistant + Non-Corrosive)

·         Power Supply -       AC 230V 50-60Hz

·         Working Temp. -  100 ± 400C

·         MOC - SS 304 with Contact Parts SS 316; Non-metallic Parts made from Polypropylene (Food Grade)

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Tablet Deduster

Backed by a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, we are actively committed towards offering Elevating Deduster. This product offers by us is well known for its superior quality. Our offered product is manufactured using excellent grade and contemporary techniques keeping pace with current market norms. As well, our quality controllers check this product in order to ensure a defect free range delivers at customer’s end. We are giving this product from us at affordable rates in a committed time frame.

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